sobota, czerwca 07, 2008

choruje->rysuje you have finished school, summer has started, only one exam left, amazing weather outside, and you really don't know what to do...?- get ill! that's the best you can imagine...
that's what i did at least, after 3 weeks spent with ill people and keeping strong, i failed and now suffer from huge cold...good result is that i draw and read. and made some order with this blog (and read it btw, verystrange feelings;)). anyway, now there is some new nice links and labels (you an look ONLY at my works haha, or absolutely AVOID them, which is of course LESS FUN;))
and above-what we do thing about law changes in Lithuania

I run out of cool slogans to adjust to drawings;) any ideas?;)

3 komentarze:

andrzejxxx pisze...

rysuj rysuj ale nie choruj! sciski i usciski sle! pozdrawiam

andrzejxxx pisze...

asiu a czy ty myslalas by wydac cos diy, tj. jakis zbiorek tego co robisz?tak wiesz, dla znajomych...dla maniakow tego co robisz:)

pepperpirate pisze...

a ja mam specjalne zamowienie...

zafiksowalem sie ostatno na pukcie twoich postaci i mam wielka prosbe... narysuj mnie ;) strasznie chcialbym miec takiego rysunkowego karola w ikonce na blogu... jak znajdziesz czas oczywiscie.
prosze zrob mnie 10kg mniejszego ;)))